Run test case on Firefox browser Selenium Online Course Video

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It is quite similar to running Selenium test cases on the Firefox browser to run them on Chrome. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Set up Selenium WebDriver: Download the appropriate WebDriver executable for Firefox and configure it in your test environment. You can download the Firefox WebDriver from the official Selenium website (
  2. Write Test Cases: Develop your test cases using Selenium WebDriver commands in your preferred programming language.
  3. Instantiate Firefox WebDriver: Instantiate a WebDriver object for Firefox in your test script.
  4. Write Test Steps: Write the test steps using Selenium WebDriver commands to interact with elements on the web page.
  5. Run Test Cases: Execute your test cases. The WebDriver will open Firefox browser windows and perform the actions specified in your test scripts.

Make sure you have the Selenium WebDriver for Firefox installed and placed in the correct directory. Depending on the testing requirements, it may be necessary to address issues such as awaiting the loading of elements, managing alerts, and managing browser windows.

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