Welcome back to the Selenium Automation Testing Free training series. This will be the last tutorial on WebDriver commands/methods. In the last 2 tutorials, we talked about Browser commands/methods and Navigation commands/methods.
To learn about the methods, please check the following links:
Before jumping on commands/methods directly, let’s have a brief discussion on Web element(s):
What is a web element?
A Web element represents an HTML element. That renders the data into an HTML page. A web page consists of different elements like buttons, input boxes, dropdown lists, links, password box, etc.
To know more about the web elements and what the locators to find the web elements in selenium web driver, please refer to the following link:
Web element methods/commands
All right. Let’s discuss all the web element methods/commands.
1. Clear Command
Method: clear()
This is the Web element’s method that clears the value of input type field web element like name field, password field, email ID field, etc.
Return: void
Parameters: no parameter
WebElement name = driver.findElement(By.id("name")); name.clear();
The above code snippets will get the reference of the name input field and clear the value if any there.
2. Sendkeys Command
Method: sendKeys( CharSequence? KeysToSend )
This method fills the value to the input field, which is given in the parameter.
Return: void
Parameters: one parameter for text.
WebElement name = driver.findElement(By.id("name")); name.sendKeys("Infotek Solutions");
The above code snippets will get the reference of the name field and provide the value “Infotek Solutions” to the name field.
3. Click Command
Method: click()
This method enables the web driver to click on a button or hyperlink or radio button or checkbox.
Return: void
Parameters: no parameter.
WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.id("forms")); button.click();
The above code snippets locate the element which has ID as forms and performs the click event on the element.
4. IsDisplayed Command
Method: IsDisplayed()
This method helps you check whether a particular web element is displayed on a web page or not.
Return: boolean. If it is displayed, it means it will return true, otherwise false.
Parameters: no parameter
WebElement username= driver.findElement(By.id("username")); boolean isdisplay = username.isDisplayed(); if(isdisplay){ //your action code }
5. IsEnabled Command
Method: isEnabled()
This method is used to check whether the web element is enabled or disabled. It returns true when a web element is enabled within a web page, otherwise false.
Return: boolean
Parameters: no parameter.
WebElement username= driver.findElement(By.id("username")); boolean isEnabled= username.isEnabled(); if(isEnabled){ //your action code }
6. IsSelected Command
Method: IsSelected()
This method checks if the web element is selected or not. It returns true if the web element is selected, otherwise false. You can use this method to check a particular radio or checkbox element is selected.
Return: boolean
Parameters: no parameter
WebElement program= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='trainingprogram' and @value='qa']")); boolean qaSelected= program.isSelected(); if(qaSelected){ //your action code }
7. Submit Command
Method: submit()
It works quite similarly to the click method or command in terms of functionalities. But there are some minor differences b/w both. submit() method is only capable to submit the form but the click() method can be used to perform a click event on the button, hyperlink(a tag), checkbox, and radio buttons.
Return: void
Parameters: no parameter
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("SubmitForm")); element.submit(); //Or can be written as driver.findElement(By.id("SubmitForm")).submit();
8. GetText Command
Method: getText()
This method is used to get the text of a hyperlink or a tag.
Return: String
Parameters: no parameter.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("anyLink")); String linkText = element.getText();
9. GetTagName Command
Method: getTagName()
To get the tag name of the web element, you can use getTagName() method.
Return: String
Parameters: no parameter.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("SubmitButton")); String tagName = element.getTagName(); //Or can be written as String tagName = driver.findElement(By.id("SubmitButton")).getTagName();
10. getSize Command
Method: getSize()
This method is used to get the size (width and height) of the web element.
Return: Dimension class object
Parameters: no parameter.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("SubmitButton")); Dimension dimensions = element.getSize(); System.out.println("Height :" + dimensions.height + "Width : "+ dimensions.width);
11. getLocation Command
This method is used to get the location(X and Y coordinate) of the web element.
Return: Point class
Parameters: no parameter.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("SubmitButton")); Point point = element.getLocation(); System.out.println("X cordinate : " + point.x + "Y cordinate: " + point.y);
Instructor-led Training
Important note: we would like to tell you that free tutorials are useful to get started, but if you are interested in the best online LIVE Master of Automation Testing training program from the experts, please refer to the following link:
For Instructor-led training
Master of Functional Automation Testing
For Self-Driven training
Automation with Selenium WebDriver (Java)
All right. We hope you understood all the web elements methods (that are discussed above) of Selenium WebDriver. Apart from these, there are some more methods like getCssValue and getAttribute methods. You can use the above methods in different code snippets and test the functionality.
In the next tutorial, we will talk about Managing alerts with the selenium web driver.
Happy Learning until then!