How to Test E-learning Web Application - Free Tutorial

These days, online training platforms and e-learning apps are used by both professionals and students. People are increasingly turning to online schools in order to gain access to unlimited online knowledge within a matter of seconds.

If you are an organization that is ready to launch a new e-learning application, it is crucial to incorporate quality assurance for your product. E-learning apps are used by a lot of people, and a single mistake can be expensive for a business.

For example, imagine a bug introduced into the paid video session that could lose you loyal customers. It can make students lose trust in the e-learning platform, which might make them choose another one. So, it’s important to test the speed, content, security, and access features before making the product live.

Your product should have seamless navigation and be user-friendly. To verify LMS (learning management system) test cases, we require a thorough testing strategy. So, let’s take a closer look at the tutorial, which will explain the testing strategy for your e-learning app.

Different platform elements are being tested in the app.

E-learning platforms need to be tested in detail, so let’s look at different platform elements.

  • Course Content
  • Grammar Mistakes
  • Visuals – Images and Graphics
  • Audio
  • Voice-over and Music
  • User-friendliness
  • Quiz and Assessments
  • Ease of access

Testing Types required for E-Learning Platforms

You must be curious to know how to test an e-learning course. Let’s take a look at different types of testing which need to be done for e-learning platforms.

1. Functional testing:

E-learning apps contain several features and functionalities that must work properly to deliver a great learning experience to the user. This is where the need for functional testing for e-learning apps comes into the picture. In this software testing type, the basic or core functionalities of the application are tested to ensure it works properly.


• Makes sure the app doesn’t have any broken links.

• Makes sure the app works well.

• Verifies that the core functionalities of an app work properly.

2. Integration testing:

Any kind of integration issue in e-learning apps can negatively affect the learning experience of users. It is important for e-learning app providers to do proper integration testing of software modules, payment gateways, APIs, etc.


• Makes sure all the modules work well together.

• Makes sure that payment gateway, CRM, HR database, and more work well together.

• Reduces the likelihood of the app encountering a critical issue.

Check E-learning Project Testing with Selenium

Check E-learning Project Testing with Selenium Part 2

3. Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing:

All e-learning apps should have a user interface that is appealing to users and helps them have a seamless learning experience. It is important for businesses to use GUI testing to ensure that all the GUI elements of their app, such as text boxes, menus, links, buttons, etc., are working properly.


• Checks that the visual aspects of app functions are working properly.

• Improves the app’s readability and quality.

• It keeps the user interested and helps with the user experience.

4. Non-functional testing:

The non-functional aspects of the software are tested to make sure that it performs well, is reliable, and is secure. The non-functional requirements of an e-learning app include things like how easy it is to use, how secure it is, how well it works, etc.


• Checks the reliability, security, performance, and scalability of an app.

• The upgrade improves app performance.

• Makes an app more engaging for users.

5. Usability testing:

E-learning apps should be easy to use and have good app navigation, clear content, and the right size, color, format, layout, etc. The content should be placed in a way that the user can read the information they want without having to go through a lot of other content. Therefore, e-learning apps should be tested thoroughly by utilizing the usability testing method. This software testing method ensures that the application is user-friendly and has adequate navigation.


• Ensures a user-friendly interface.

• Checks that the app is working properly.

• Ensures that text, images, and other multimedia are placed appropriately in an app?

Check Usability Testing

6. Performance testing:

A slow loading speed, frequent app timeouts, sudden app crashes, and other performance issues in an app make it hard for the user to learn. Businesses should make sure that their apps are free from all performance bottlenecks and that they perform well under any conditions. So, e-learning app providers should use performance testing to make reliable and high-performing e-learning apps.


• Ensures that the created applications are reliable, scalable, and perform well.

• Ensures that the app does not have any performance bottlenecks.

• Increases the load-handling capacity of the app.

• Under high user load, the app must not crash or behave abruptly.

7. Accessibility testing:

People with certain disabilities should be included in the accessibility testing of e-learning apps. All accessibility guidelines like W3Cs, BITV 1.0, and Stanca Act are ensured by this test.


• Ensures that the app provides equal access to all.

• Makes sure the app follows web accessibility guidelines.

• It helps expand the user base.

8. Security testing:

Cyberattacks are a big threat to the security of an app, data, and the business’s reputation. Since e-learning apps contain users sensitive information, like personal identity, banking information, phone numbers, etc., this information must be protected at all costs. Therefore, e-learning app providers should take advantage of security testing in order to protect their apps from cyberattacks.


• Identifies security loopholes to protect apps from cyber-attacks.

• Safeguards customer-sensitive data from unauthorized access.

• Reduces business uncertainty

9. Compatibility testing:

The app is accessed by users on a variety of browsers, operating systems, and devices. For e-learning app providers to be successful, they must ensure their apps are compatible with all kinds of browsers, devices, networks, operating systems, and more. To accomplish this, they must rely on compatibility testing.


• Checks to make sure the app works on different devices, browsers, operating systems, and networks.

• It helps achieve compatibility.

• The app delivers a great user experience as users can seamlessly access it.

10. Compliance testing:

E-learning businesses should make sure their apps meet laws and regulations, like the data protection rules, Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), and the GDPR. Compliance testing is a type of software testing that helps businesses make sure their app meets all the legal rules and regulations. It prevents them from having to pay heavy fines for non-compliance.


• Validates compliance with regulatory requirements of apps.

• It prevents businesses from incurring heavy fines imposed due to non-compliance.

• Customers prefer to use apps that are legally compliant, which helps to improve the brand image.


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to more people using e-learning apps. In today’s challenging times, students worldwide are turning to e-learning apps for continued education. The performance, functioning, and security of e-learning apps have become essential to delivering a great learning experience. E-learning businesses should leverage end-to-end software testing from a next-generation quality assurance and independent software testing services provider for quality e-learning apps and a great user experience.

Instructor-led Training

Software Testing Online Training

Online Software testing training includes the following modules:
  1. Manual Testing
  2. Database/SQL/Database Testing
  3. JIRA defect management tool
  4. Java Programming
  5. Selenium Framework
  6. TestNG
  7. Cucumber with Maven
  8. Basic of Jenkins

To get more details, please visit the following URL:

Software Testing Classroom Training

Software testing classroom training includes the following modules:

  1. Manual Testing
  2. Database/SQL/Database Testing
  3. JIRA defect management tool
  4. Java Programming
  5. Selenium Framework
  6. TestNG
  7. Cucumber with Maven
  8. Basic of Jenkins
  9. API Testing with SoapUI or Postman
  10. Performance Testing with Jmeter

Gain knowledge in software testing and elevate your skills to outperform competitors.

Training Program Demo Timing Training Fees Action
Software Testing Online Certification Training Demo at 09:00 AM ET Starts at $1049 Book your demo
Software Testing Classroom Training in Virginia Demo at 01:00 PM ET every Sunday Starts at $1699 Book your demo
Selenium Certification Training Demo at 10:00 AM ET Starts at $550 Book your demo
Manual Testing Course Demo at 09:00 AM ET Starts at $400 Book your demo
SDET Course – Software Automation Testing Training Demo at 11:00 AM ET Starts at $550 Book your demo
Automation Testing Real-Time Project Training Demo at 10:00 AM ET Starts at $250 Book your demo
Business Analyst Certification Demo at 12:00 PM ET Starts at $550 Book your demo

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