Methods in Selenium Online Course Video

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There are 3 types of commonly used methods/commands:

  1. Browser commands
  2. Navigation commands
  3. WebElement commands

Browser commands

In Selenium, browser commands are used to interact with the web browser during automated testing. Here are some common browser commands in Selenium WebDriver:

  • get command
  • getTitle command
  • getCurrentUrl command
  • getPageSource command
  • close command
  • quit command

Navigation commands

Navigation commands in Selenium WebDriver are used to navigate to different URLs or interact with the browser’s navigation functionality. These commands allow you to control the movement between different web pages during automated testing. Here are some commonly used navigation commands in Selenium WebDriver:

  • navigate.forward()
  • navigate.back()
  • navigate.refresh()

These navigation commands are essential for controlling the flow of your automated tests and ensuring that your test scenarios can interact with different pages of a web application.

WebElement commands

WebElement commands in Selenium WebDriver are used to interact with web elements on a web page. Web elements include things like text boxes, buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, etc. Here are some commonly used WebElement commands:

  • clear command
  • sendkeys command
  • click command
  • isDisplayed command
  • isEnbaled command
  • isSelected command
  • submit command
  • getText comannd
  • getTagName command
  • getCSSValue command
  • getAttribute command
  • getSize command
  • getLocation command

These commands allow you to interact with web elements effectively and perform various actions during automated testing or web scraping tasks.

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