Selenium Real-time Project Framework #2 Framework Structure

As it is widely acknowledged, live projects hold significant importance in automation testing training as they provide an opportunity to experiment with real-world scenarios.

So we introduced a tutorial series where you will build a Data-driven framework to test an E-learning web application. In the first part/episode of the Selenium Real-time Project Framework series, we discussed How to create a Maven project & and add Java libraries to the Maven project. Now it’s time to create the structure to keep test cases, logic, and page objects in different namespaces. So in our #2 part/episode, we talk about the structure of the Framework.

So we created 3 packages:

  1. pageobject
  2. testcases
  3. utilities
Selenium Real Time Project Framework Tutorial – Package Hierarchy
  1. pageobject: The pageobject package contains the source files for the page object parent-child classes and methods that define logic to test the page. Some examples like:
    • BaseTest
    • LoginPage
    • PaymentPage etc.
  2. testcases: This package contains the source files which define test cases logics.
  3. utilities: utilities package contains the backbone classes of the Framework that define the following:
    • Factory methods
    • Framework Configuration Reader
    • Excel Reader
    • Data provider Reader
    • Report Generator etc.

To define the structure of Framework:

In addition to the packages, we also created some folders to keep resources and output data, such as

  1. TestData
  2. Screenshots
  3. Drivers
  4. Configuration
Selenium Real Time Project Framework Tutorial – Folder Hierarchy

To create folders in Maven project:

Watch Full Video tutorial:

To read about #1 part / Episode – Maven Project:

Selenium Real-time Project Framework – #1 (Maven Project) (

To Watch whole framework series:

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