Test case Template, Sample Test case - Manual Testing Free Training

Welcome to the Manual Testing Free Training series.

In the last tutorial, we talked about the Test case and Test plan concepts. Please refer to the following to learn about the Test case and Test plan:


All right!! Let’s move ahead. In this tutorial, we are going to talk about the following stuff:

1. Test case template.

2. Sample test case.

Before moving further, let’s take a brief look at the stages of the Test case:

Stage 1: In this stage, you write basic test cases from the available specification and user documentation.

Stage 2: Basically this is the practical stage in which you write test cases based on the functionality and system flow of the application.

Stage 3: In this stage, you will group all test cases and write a test suite.  The test suite is nothing, but it is a group of test cases.

Stage 4: This is the automation stage of the project or application. In the automation stage, there is no interaction between humans and applications.

Now, we can talk about the Test case template:

In the template, we have 2 parts:

Information of test case:

  • Project Name:  Application module (what you are going to test)
  • Created By: The name of the author of the test case.
  • Date of Creation: Date of creation of test case.
  • Testing Environment: The environment

Fields of Test case template.

These are the following fields that we need to add to the template:

  1. Test Suite ID: ID of test case suite (group of this test case) [if required]
  2. Test case ID: Test case ID is the unique identity of a test case.
  3. Test case Summary: It is the Summary / Objective of the Test case
  4. Prerequisites or preconditions: preconditions, must be fulfilled before the test case.
  5. Test steps: steps of the test case.
  6. Test data: test data are used to be while processing the test.
  7. Expected Result: The expected result of the Test
  8. Actual Result: Actual result generate after execution of test
  9. Status: Pass, fail after execution of the test. Other statuses are “Not Executed” if the test is not performed or “Blocked” if the test is blocked.
  10. Post conditions: Post Conditions, execute the steps successfully (if required)
  11. Remarks (if required)
Important note: we like to tell you that free tutorials are helpful to get started but if you are interested in the best online LIVE Master of Manual Testing training program from the experts, please refer to the following link:

Sample test case

let’s create a sample test case for the login & registration module of a sample e-learning site:
Project Name Code Traverse Registration and Login Module
Created By Infotek Solutions Inc.
Creation Date 14th May 2022
Testing Environment OS: Windows 7 Ultimate

Browser: Google Chrome

Test case ID Test case Summary Preconditions Steps Test data Expected Result ActualResult Post Condition Status
Testcase01 Test registration module of www.codetraverse.com Register page should be available
  1. Enter valid username
  2. Enter valid Email ID
  3. Enter Password
  4. Enter Confirm Password
  5. Enter captcha
  6. Click on Register Button
  1. Valid username
  2. Valid email id
  3. Valid password
User has registered successfully User has registered successfully Email should be sent to New registered user Pass

That’s how we create the test case.  If you’d like to download the test case template, please refer to the following link:


Here are some related video tutorials:
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In this article, we talked about the test case template and created a sample test case. To check other stuff in this series, please refer to the following link:


→ The upcoming article in this Master of Manual testing training series will be about – How to test an e-commerce website.

Happy learning, until then!

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