What are the different database testing types?

In the last tutorials, we dug out about the importance of Database Testing and the purpose of Database Testing.  To get more details, please visit the following links:

  1. The Importance of Database/SQL Skills for Software Testers.
  2. What is the purpose of Database Testing?

Different Database testing types

The function and structure of a database can be used to classify database testing into three different categories.
  1. Structural Testing
  2. Functional Testing
  3. Non-functional Testing

1. Structural Testing

  • Structural database testing handles testing components that are not available to the end-user.
  • Structural testing validates the components in the data repository, such as tables and columns, stored procedures, and views. It also checks triggers.
  • You should have a good understanding of SQL queries to be able to execute this testing.

Structural testing is categorized into different categories:

Schema Testing

  • Schema testing in databases checks that the schema mapping is similar on both ends (back end and the front end) of the application, and validates various schema formats.
  • The logical view of the database is represented by the schema, which provides directions for the actual query process.
  • Schema testing involves finding unmapped objects in a database, as well as validation of several schema formats that are associated with it.
  • It checks the consistency of a database in an environment.
  • The schema test is also called Mapping testing.

Read What is the purpose of Database Testing?

Database/Column Testing

  • The structure of the database, along with its feature column, will be checked to make sure they are consistent.
  • It verifies the field lengths and naming rules match of the application for both the back end and user interface of the system.
  • It checks if any unused tables and columns must be accounted for and verified.
  • Furthermore, it checks the data types and length of data in the back end of the application to make sure the summary view is efficient and accurate.
  • The primary and foreign keys are checked to see if they have their tables set in line with the standards.

Trigger Testing

  • Trigger testing makes sure that the procedural flow of the database code is free of bugs.
  • It checks the function of the application such as updates, inserts, and deletions.
  • The required condition is met if the Trigger is executed.
  • The tester must make sure the coding rules are followed.

Stored Procedure and View testing

  • This type of testing checks the coding standards for all the procedures.
  • The appropriate data is applied to the application to make sure conditions, loops, and other functions are covered.
  • The data from the corresponding tables in the database is checked to see if the TRIM operations are applied correctly.
  • Indicates the error handling and exception procedures.

Also read How to Test Database as Manual Tester – Manual Testing Tutorials

Database Server Validations

  • The server configuration is checked to see if it is in line with the business requirement.
  • It is important to make sure that the user can only do certain things.
  • It ensures that the database server can handle the maximum number of user transactions based on the business requirements.

Keys and Indexes Testing

  • It checks the primary and foreign key constraints.
  • It ensures that the foreign key references in the tables are valid.
  • The keys and indexes are checked to see if they are based on the naming convention.
  • It checks that the required fields have the correct size and length.

2. Functional Testing

Functional testing is used to ensure that functionality such as transactions and operations performed by the end-user works as intended from the end-user’s perspective. It ensures that these functionalities are consistent with business requirements.
Watch How to do Backend Testing?
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Black Box Testing

  • The data integrity and basic functions are checked during black box testing.
  • The test cases included verifying the incoming and outgoing data while performing the functions.
  • Boundary value analysis, partitioning equivalence, cause and effect graphing technique, etc., are some of the techniques used to test the database.
  • Black box testing is a comparatively simple and cost-effective form of testing that can be performed in the early stages of testing.
  • The major drawback of black box testing would be, that only a few errors can be found, and we are not sure about how much need to test.

White Box Testing

  • It focuses on the internal structure and the technical specifications that the average user is not aware of.
  • It deals with checking the database’s triggers and logical view to ensure that the data can be refactored.
  • The database function, views, and other modules are verified by this testing.
  • It can help in the validation of database tables, data models, and database schema.
  • It checks the database consistency of the application by checking the default table views.
  • SQL statements are not included in white box testing.


3. Non-Functional Testing

The focus of non-functional testing is load testing, stress testing, and checking minimum system requirements to meet the business specification. It also detects risks and optimizes the performance of the database.

Load Testing

  • Load testing checks the impact of transactions on the database.
  • It checks the response time for multiple users.
  • The time taken for fetching a record from the database is determined by this.

Stress Testing

  • Stress testing helps in discovering the breakpoint of the system.
  • It discovers this breaking point by repeatedly loading the application until the system fails.

Instructor-led Training

Software Testing Online Training

Online Software testing training includes the following modules:
  1. Manual Testing
  2. Database/SQL/Database Testing
  3. JIRA defect management tool
  4. Java Programming
  5. Selenium Framework
  6. TestNG
  7. Cucumber with Maven
  8. Basic of Jenkins
To get more details, please visit the following URL:

Software Testing Classroom Training

Software testing classroom training includes the following modules:
  1. Manual Testing
  2. Database/SQL/Database Testing
  3. JIRA defect management tool
  4. Java Programming
  5. Selenium Framework
  6. TestNG
  7. Cucumber with Maven
  8. Basic of Jenkins
  9. API Testing with SoapUI or Postman
  10. Performance Testing with Jmeter

To get more details, please visit the following URL:


Note: In classroom training, Business Analyst Training is totally free.  And ISTQB Certification training is totally up to you.

Gain knowledge in software testing and elevate your skills to outperform competitors.

Training Program Demo Timing Training Fees Action
Software Testing Online Certification Training Demo at 09:00 AM ET Starts at $1049 Book your demo
Software Testing Classroom Training in Virginia Demo at 01:00 PM ET every Sunday Starts at $1699 Book your demo
Selenium Certification Training Demo at 10:00 AM ET Starts at $550 Book your demo
Manual Testing Course Demo at 09:00 AM ET Starts at $400 Book your demo
SDET Course – Software Automation Testing Training Demo at 11:00 AM ET Starts at $550 Book your demo
Automation Testing Real-Time Project Training Demo at 10:00 AM ET Starts at $250 Book your demo
Business Analyst Certification Demo at 12:00 PM ET Starts at $550 Book your demo

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