In the last tutorial on Unit testing, we talked about how unit testing is a key part of automated testing for digital applications. It provides stability and resilience by evaluating the performance of individual modules. Nonetheless, selecting a unit testing methodology may prove to be arduous owing to the diverse methodologies employed by testing teams. Before testing a single unit, it’s important to make sure everyone involved agrees on what works best before starting.
To check more:
What is Unit test? Importance, Example of Unit Testing (
Developers write a section of code to test a specific function in the software application to write Unit Tests. Developers can also isolate this function to test it more carefully, which shows that the function is dependent on other units, so the dependencies can be removed. For unit testing, the majority of developers use the UnitTest framework to develop automated test cases.
Unit Testing is of two types
Unit testing may still be performed manually, even though it is commonly automated. Software Engineering prefers automation to manual work, but manual work is preferred. A manual approach to unit testing may encompass a comprehensive instructional document that provides step-by-step instructions.
Automated Approach for Unit Testing

- A developer may write a section of code in the application in order to test the function. Subsequently, they would comment out and ultimately eliminate the test code upon deployment of the application.
- Furthermore, a developer could isolate the function to test it more thoroughly. This is a more thorough method for testing software, involving copying and pasting code into its own testing environment, which is different from its natural one. The code’s isolation exposes unnecessary connections between the code being tested and other components or data areas in the product. These dependencies can subsequently be eliminated.
- A programmer typically employs the Unit Test Framework to create automated test scenarios. The developer implements a framework for automation by incorporating criteria into the test to verify the accuracy of the code. The framework records failures during the execution of the test cases, Several frameworks will also automatically flag and report these failed test cases, in summary. Depending on the severity of a failure, the framework may stop testing later.
Different Unit testing frameworks for Selenium
1. JUnit
JUnit is an open-source Unit testing framework for Java applications. It is useful for developers to write and run repeatable tests. Developers who follow test-driven methodology must write and run unit tests first before any code.
Once you are writing with code, you should run all the tests, and it should pass. Every time any code is added, you need to rerun all test cases and make sure nothing is broken.
JUnit runs tests quickly and identifies the bugs in a separate block for debugging, and this property makes JUnit popular among the rest of the Java frameworks for Selenium
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2. TestNG
TestNG is one of the open-source testing frameworks for Java which covers a broad category of tests and integrates very well with Selenium. It is designed to overcome the limitations of the JUnit framework. It is robust and offers unique features that make it easy for developers to use multiple annotations, test dependencies, grouping, and prioritization.
TestNG lets developers run multiple test cases simultaneously, making the test execution process faster compared to other frameworks. It also handles exceptions automatically, tagging them as failed steps in the test report.